Tips To Order Custom Wedding Rings

A perfect wedding ring is not only a symbol of commitment, love, and trust but it also represents your unique style. Wedding rings not just shows commitment but also last a lot longer than the wedding day’s three-tiered cake, decoration, and rental dresses. When it comes to wedding rings people usually prefer customize rings over predesigned rings or bands.

The major reason behind this is the freedom they get with customization to get the ring of their choice and style. When buying a wedding ring, you try your best to choose the right type of ring for your loved one. You make sure your partner will love the ring that he/she will wear till death do you part. However, the availability of different wedding ring designs, styles, and costs sometimes make it tough for you to select the best one. Those who do not want to go through the complicated buying process prefer ordering customized wedding rings.

But ordering custom wedding rings is too not as easy as it seems to be. It is a buying process that also needs your good attention, and consideration of a variety of things to avoid the risk of buying the wrong ring. Some common things that may help you and your partner to order the right custom wedding rings are listed below.

Set budget:-

No matter whether you are going to choose a predesigned wedding ring or are going to order customized wedding rings, setting a budget for starting the purchase process is essential in both cases. Wedding rings usually cost expensive due to a variety of things. The metal used in the ring, its style, design, diamond clarity, size, etc. all affects its cost. 

Some buyers make the mistake of starting the purchase without even considering the budget. This later affects them when they end up selecting or buying wedding rings that are beyond their budget. Setting a budget helps you prevent wasting your time as well as ordering the customized wedding ring that will make a hole in your pocket. 

Look for a reputable jeweler:-

Once you have some idea regarding your budget for the wedding ring, you can move towards looking for a reputable jeweler. Choosing a reputable jeweler ensures that you are buying a quality product. Reputable jewelers usually have good experience in such business, as of which they have a wider knowledge about different types of wedding rings. 

Choosing such professionals turns out to be more beneficial when ordering a customized wedding ring. There are high chances that will get plenty of jewelers, but choosing the one with high experience and a good reputation in the market ensures that you are investing at the right place and will get a genuine, lifetime product.

customized wedding ring

Understand the difference:-

Many of us do not have a wider knowledge about the different types of diamonds, diamond shapes, their clarity, cutting styles, etc. This later not only just affects your selection process but also makes it tough for you to define your requirement while ordering a customized wedding ring. 

To order the best-customized wedding ring, it is essential for each buyer to have some good knowledge about different types of wedding rings. Knowing about different wedding ring styles, designs, trend, etc, help you order a unique and beautiful product for your special day. 

Check size:-

The size of the ring matters a lot during customization. A wedding ring of the right size not just keeps you comfortable but also prevents you from buying an oversized or undersized ring. Ordering a customized wedding ring with your partner, make it easy for you to get the ring of the right size and within your budget. 

This also prevents the risk of selecting the wrong wedding ring style for your partner. Buying customized wedding rings together not just saves your money but also your time and prevents you from the stress that otherwise you have to face by thinking about their preference, style, choice, etc.

comfortable ring

Check 4Cs:-

Wedding rings can easily be customized in different styles. Some people prefer their wedding rings to be simple and thus prefer plain wedding bands with one or a few little diamonds, while others want them to be attractive and unique and thus choose large diamonds, special designs, and unique metal for them. 

Knowing about the 4Cs of diamonds (cut, color, clarity, carat) helps you order the perfect custom wedding ring. Top clarity and high carat diamond cost more expensive than regular diamonds or crystals. The cut of diamond you choose for the ring also affects its cost. Make sure the 4Cs you will choose for the diamonds in your wedding ring are not just per your preference but also your budget. 

Choose wisely:-

When ordering customized wedding rings, many people forget about their engagement rings. But to choose the right wedding ring consideration of the engagement ring you already are wearing also matters a lot. Ordering the wedding ring that will suit your engagement ring makes it easy for you to wear both rings together. 

Make sure the size of the wedding ring and its diamonds are different from your engagement ring. If your engagement ring has small diamonds you must order the wedding ring with large, attractive diamonds. Similarly, you just have to choose the ring and diamond, style, shape, cut, metal, etc. Wisely. 

Final thoughts

The process of buying customized wedding rings becomes less lengthy when you order the ring with good planning and much before your special day. It is better to order your custom wedding rings a few weeks or months before the wedding, so the jewelers can provide you with a quality product at the right time. Also, make sure the jeweler you will choose for the ring purchase will provide you with the certification of purity and warranties or aftercare. It is better to get everything related to your custom wedding ring in detail and in writing such as the clarity of the diamond, purity of the metal, the final price of the ring, and agreed delivery date.